Wednesday, February 13, 2008

the relevance of color

I am a Photo major, so while most peoples lives revolve around color and there affect on different attributes, a lot of my time is spent studying a lack of color. My days revolve around find a perfect black and a perfect white and every shade of perfect gray in between, and I'm sure some people would ask why? While virbrant colors and shades might get a graphgic design major excited, to me, they are just cumbersome and wasteful. Why use all those unnnecessary colors when you can express such deeper emotion without ever having to use more than 2 colors.

And this leads me to the point of, what affect does color really have in our lives? If a graphic designer had to work solely in black and white he may be confused and stumble for direction not knowing where to go or how to express his message clearly, menawhile someone like Ansel Adams may have done the same if presented with the oppourtunity of color photography. These greatly varying impacts on both lines of work are what keeps the arts so interesting.

Black and white photography has this vintage feel to, that keep a lot of photographers sticking with it. The tones and varying levels evoke emotion and display great depth, while color photographs can accomplish this too, black and white has been doing it for so long, that many ask why stray? Meanwhile graphic designers flourish in the area of an abundance of color because it makes their jobs easier. When a client says I really want this fact to be stated, all the designer has to do is put it in a bright or contrasting color, something that wouldn't be as easy in black and white.

The usefullness of color differs greatly based on your profession and the aruguemnt for and against it will be argued til the end of time.

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