Thursday, March 13, 2008

Spring Is In The Air

In a week it will officially be spring. With spring comes a re-birthing of sorts. Associated with this re-birthing is a bright array of colors. Pinks, purples, and yellows all vibrant and surrounding us on a daily basis. Whether natural or artificial these colors will be surrounding us for the next several weeks.
Now closely associated to Easter, the pastoral colors are ones associated with happiness. From painting eggs to freshly blooming flowers and everything in between, these pastels are important to our moods. After long winters and cold days, humans need something to lift there spirits, and what better way than color association. These pastels are invigorating and refreshing, going hand in hand with the sense of re-birth that occurs every March.
Peoples wardrobes change. A lot of winter clothes are boring and bulky, out of necessity. Spring clothes are colorful and sometimes barely there. For many people these colors are more than simply a color palette, they are a light at the end of a cold tunnel. Growing up we've always seen these pastoral colors associated with warmth and the beauty just before hot summers. Every year they reemerge to give us hope of the coming warmth and seemingly better days.

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