Thursday, April 17, 2008

Selective Color

Through out our days we encounter numerous uses of selective color some being highly effective and others not. The use of selective color is highly evident in package design and advertising. This is smart because it grabs your attention and draws the viewer in, if it is not done correctly though, it could be passed by without even the thought of as second glance.

This image correctly uses the process of selective color. The red flower shape in the lower left hand corner draws your eyes into the piece and the almost completely blank canvas only accentuates the color red.

Another good example is the ipod ad. The green attracts your attention and draws you in. The white of the ipod and headphones lead the viewers eyes across the page, original ipods were also originally white, so these ads sold the product at the same time.

It is hard to find bad use of selective color, but it is out there, just keep looking.

Color Blind?

When you look at this circle what number do you see? If you don't see a 6 then you are color blind. People with color blindness generally have trouble seeing reds, greens, blues, or a mixture of the of the three. Most commonly is seeing red and green as the same color. 1 in 12 men and 1 in 20 women are born with color blindness, most often caused by genetics and usually present at birth.

Color blindness is caused by mutations of the X chromosome, leading males to be more likely to receive it, they only have one X chromosome and women have 2. There are many forms of color blindness, including some that are temporary (caused by migraines) and also having color blindness only in part of ones view.

Before doing any research I had no idea how many people were actually effected by color blindness and it leads to an interesting part about art. Graphic Designers, while color plays a large part of what they do, they cant solely rely on it. If you are trying to reach as broad an audience as possible you need to be conscious of of the colors you are using. You cant make a point by just having contrasting color, because it may not reach as broad of an audience.