Thursday, September 13, 2007


Creating the value scale is a lot harder than it would seem. I tend to write with intensity and usually press fairly hard, so getting the high values were kind of tough. It was also hard making sure the entire region was evenly shaded and there was no internal variations. Keeping each section as its own separate identity was tough, all i wanted to do was shade them together. I've done value scales before but I've always separated sections so that made it easier. Doing the drawing was a lot easier because we were able to do it in parts. There was a required number of values but they didn't have to be in any certain order or arrangement, which made the creation of the drawing a lot easier.

1 comment:

aris Slater said...

Dear Jordan,
I am going to do a critique of your picture and it is as follows:
The picture consists of overlaping circles varying in size and shade. It starts out with a lot of circles on top to slowly tapering out to little circles. It looks a little like a worm to me or the bubbles coming out of a kids bubble pipe. Because it starts with a few bubbles and leads to more it seems to me like its expanding or growing. The mood is more childish, the differences in the bubbles lead to the idea of building blocks almost. I like the picture and how it leads my eyes up the whole image as well as the harmless playful feelings that come from it, what with it being round with no sharp edges.
hey good job Jordan.