Thursday, September 6, 2007

The string activity was definitely an interesting project and also an enjoyable one. Unraveling and wrapping the string was a mindless activity while the re wrapping and untangling was a thinking process. I hastily unraveled my string through out the room; not thinking about composition, placement, or having to clean it up at all. I think this is true of me i tend to do things rashly and not completely thought out. Then the cleaning up process was arduous and time consuming. At one point i was even cleaning up the wrong string and helped someone else early. I feel this is very true of who I am. I tend to pay for my rash actions and i end of put others peoples feeling over my own.

I also liked the line and shape project that we drew. It was interesting to see how each person did different designs and different compositions. I really liked this project because it made you think differently and out of box; I had to figure out a way to arrange the subjects so as to fit the page but also meet all the criteria.

1 comment:

Pat Autenrieth said...

I'd like to know more about how "the re wrapping and untangling was a thinking process". Don't worry about defending your spontaneity, which is apparently one of your strengths.